Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Intacto (España, 2001)

Intacto is a wonderful thriller from the Oscar Nominated Director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, nominated for a short film titled ‘Esposados’ in 1997. This is his first feature-length film, and a kick ass one at that.

It is a complex and gripping thriller which deals with the notion of luck... who has it, who doesn´t, and what kinds of games you might try out if your really feel "lucky." What is especially interesting about the film is how convincing the argument presented is, namely that the lucky are really sponges which absorb the luck of others (an interesting way of considering how someone´s good fortune is another´s worst possible scenario).

The actors in the film are superb, and entirely convincing in their roles. I would reccomend this to anyone who is interested in suspense and thrills.

(Vease una critica en Español en: http://canalcine.ozu.es/datos/peliculas/pelicula151101.html)

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